
SRO 367(I)/2013

Federal Government has amended Sales Tax Special Procedure Rules, 2007 vide amending notification No.SRO 367(I)/2013 dated 08.05.2013. Before issuance of this SRO, value addition tax @ 3%, in addition to the standard 16% rate of sales tax, was applicable on import of goods except goods imported by a manufacturer for in-house consumption. The service providers,…


Update: Sales tax on services

The Government of Punjab has issued notification No. SO(TAX)1-1/2013-14 dated 22.05.2013, wherein certain services have been subjected to sales tax under The Punjab Sales Tax on Services Act, 2012. This notification shall have immediate effect. The list of services subjected to tax is as under: – 1.         Sales tax @ 16% has been imposed on…


SRO 450(I)/2013 Dated 27.05.2013

Federal Government has issued SRO 450(I)/2013 dated 27.05.2013 vide which SRO 490(I)/2004 dated 13.06.2004 has been amended. Under SRO 490(I)/2004, input tax in respect of certain items was disallowed. The scope of the SRO has been expanded by the amending SRO and the input tax of the following items has also been disallowed w.e.f. 27.05.2013:-…